Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Beyond Allergies: An Odor-Busting Air Purifier Offers More

Americans spend over 500 million dollars a year on air cleaners. The driving force for many of those air purifier purchases is allergy relief, but investing in a more versatile, multi-purpose unit that also tackles odors will quickly turn a simple dust collector into the most appreciated appliance in your home. 

More Uses = Better Value
We all want the things we buy to give us the most for our money, so why opt for a one-dimensional air purifier? Most standard air purifier models only collect dust and particles. To get more out of your air purifier look for a unit with serious odor “adsorbing” filters like AllerAir’s5000 Exec which has HEPA filtration and a thick 18 lb. activated carbon filter. An air purifier with a deeper carbon filter will clean the air more effectively and require fewer filter changes than a thin mesh filter.

An Air Purifier to the Rescue
There are few things more aggravating than a bad smell in your home and while none of us like to dwell on it, there are many sources for odor lurking in every corner. Here are a few examples of where an odor-busting air purifier can provide some relief: 

Pet Odors
If it’s got fur and is living in your home, you can bet that you have some level of odor. The toughest and most unpleasant is urine. Whether it was a protest pee on your carpet or the constant smell of a cat litter box, the right air purifier with activated carbon can make a surprising difference.  Just remember if you have multiple cats or a more significant pet odor problem be sure to consult an air quality expert for advice on choosing the right unit.

New Home, Upgrades or Renos
A few years ago scientists revealed that the “new car” smell people seemed to love was actually a toxic mix of chemicals coming from the materials used to make the interior. A new or renovated home is no different. It’s filled with off-gassing products like new flooring, lumber, particle board, paint and furniture, which can significantly compromised air quality. An air purifier with activated carbon will not only address the odors from all of these materials, but can help remove the more serious airborne VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) that may be harmful to human health.

General Odors
A multi-purpose air purifier is also very handy to have for general odors like that horrible stink when you run the self-cleaning oven, the corner where you’ve shoved the diaper pail or that musty storage area. The downside is you’ll find so many places to use your unit, you may find yourself needing more than one.

Ask an Air Purifier Expert
To learn more about a multi-purpose air purifier for allergies and odors, or an affordable and fully customized air purifier for smoke or MCS contact an AllerAir air quality expert today at 1-888-852-8247 or connect via live chat or Twitter.

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