Thursday, October 27, 2011

Doctor advises pregnant women to reduce chemical exposure

Exposure to chemicals during pregnancy
can affect the developing fetus, experts say.
When you’re pregnant, you’re not just eating for two – you should be health-conscious enough to give your unborn child the best possible head start.

This includes all the common-sense steps pregnant women are taking, including eating right, taking vitamins and folic acid as well as eliminating alcohol and tobacco.

But it should also include steps toward better environmental health, says Dr. Doris Rapp, an experienced physician and expert on all the hidden household and environmental hazards in a recent article on

While everyone is exposed to certain chemicals and environmental pollutants on a regular basis and may not show any signs or symptoms, the same exposures can be harmful to a developing fetus in the womb, Rapp says.

Bad for you: PCBs
Rapp is especially warning against exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, that are commonly used in industrial pesticides and could be present at the office, in the water or food. These pesticides have been linked to birth defects, lower birth weight, developmental delays and many other health effects.

Bad for you: Bisphenol-A and phthalates
These chemicals are derived from World War II nerve agents and are highly toxic.

Tips to limit exposure:
  • Stay away from pesticide treated areas
  • Eat organic foods and avoid pesticide-laden foods (consult EWG’s dirty dozen list)
  • Use natural cleaning products such as white vinegar and baking soda
  • If you buy new furniture or products, let them off-gas before using them
  • Use a portable air purifier to remove airborne chemicals, odors, gases, particles and biological contaminants - it needs an activated carbon + HEPA filtration system for best results

Contact AllerAir for more information on our air purifiers for the home and office, air purifiers for the baby’s room or nursery and many more options.