Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Enough is Enough, for Bubble Woman

Okay, that’s it. I’ve been following the story about Elizabeth Feudale-Bowes, the woman who set up a structure in her backyard, now being referred to as the “bubble”, because she has Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and is extremely sensitive to the chemicals found in our environment.

The woman lives in a bubble. In her backyard. In a bubble.

And her neighbors want her beloved bubble torn down. Oh, it’s ugly, she didn’t get a permit, it’s not hooked up to the utility line, yada, yada.

Let’s rewind to the part where this woman lives in a bubble. Do ya think we could cut her a break? I mean, why do these people care so much? My neighbor’s yard looks terrible. There are toys everywhere, garbage strewn and he only cuts his grass about twice a year. It looks horrendous.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Feudale-Bowes has a clean yard that is well kept. Her loving husband made her the bubble so she could enjoy some quality of life… again, in her bubble.

Paul Carpenter wrote a great article about the subject the other day, saying that if this story were about some cute puppy that couldn’t live outside his special bubble without being in agonizing pain, there would be uproar at the idea of tearing down his shelter. All the activists would gather, there would be placards… the media would be all over this story.

But it’s just so much fun to keep torturing this bubble woman, isn’t it? I mean, really, she lives in a bubble. It’s just too easy.

Enough already. Elizabeth Feudale-Bowes has enough troubles on her plate. She’s not a witch. Let’s not burn her at the stake.

Janice Scrim is an Indoor Air Quality Expert with AllerAir Industries. Many AllerAir customers are people just like Elizabeth Feudale-Bowes, who have serious conditions like MCS that require serious indoor air quality solutions.

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